Staff Feature: Rhythm Sutherland

A look into the life of Rhythm Sutherland! Rhythm has been at the studio since July 2022 and is one of our Studio Techs!

Rhythm works in handbuilding and has a degree in ceramics from VCUarts.

We asked Rhythm a few questions about her life and practice so you can get to know the amazing people who make Hand / Thrown what it is.


HAND / THROWN: Tell us a little about you!

RHYTHM SUTHERLAND: I came to Richmond to attend VCU for their Craft program and fell in love with the city! I love being a part of a community that truly appreciates art and live music, I love going out to local music shows on the weekends when I’m not in the studio. I also enjoy woodworking and making jewelry, sometimes combining metalworking and ceramics together.

HT: Tell us a little bit about the style of work you enjoy making most!

RS: I have a special love for creating hand built pieces. My style of work is fun, organic and experimental as I’m always trying to challenge myself with new ideas and techniques. I recently read an interview in a hand building book that said “how can you love something if you hate the process?” so I always try to appreciate every step, because hand building can be a slow yet thoughtful process.


HT: What originally drew you to working with clay?

RS: My older sister took a ceramics class as an elective in high school and always brought home amazing sculptures- her clock shaped like a pineapple was very inspiring! When I got to high school I decided to do the same and never turned back.

HT: Where have you studied ceramics, if you have. Or who have you studied with that left a lasting impression?

RS: I took ceramic classes all 4 years of high school and then majored in Craft and Material Studies at VCU with a concentration in ceramics.


HT: What techniques do you use to create your work?

RS: I use coils and slabs in the majority of my work, sometimes a combination of both on pieces.



HT: What is your favorite tool, why?

RS: Metal smoothing rib! It’s really the best thing for having seamless and smooth surfaces.


HT: Who are some artists you admire, why?

RS: Linda Lopez has been a huge inspiration for me for many years. She combines different repetitive geometric patterns into uniquely shaped hand built pieces that always come off so effortless yet thought provoking. No two pieces look the same yet they all seem like the belong together; I love her works where she puts a bunch of them together to form a big sculpture of different forms and colors. 

HT: What is your favorite thing to do at Hand / Thrown during a shift?

RS: My favorite thing at Hand / Thrown is having a group discussion when someone is trying to problem solve a piece. Someone might pose a question and sometimes we all will try to give suggestions and figure something out together. It’s really lovely to see the community work together to help someone achieve their vision!

Linda Lopez


HT: What’s your sign?

RS: Gemini!

HT: Are there aliens out there?

RS: There’s definitely aliens out there, humankind being one of them.

HT: What’s your go to winter weather thing to do in Richmond?

RS: Making a big ‘ol pot of soup and sharing it with friends :)

To see more of Rhythm’s work, follow her on Instagram.